Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday Sept 09

Well fall is upon is in Savannah, which only means my weekends will be a lot more busy--with school events, football and events around the city there is always something to shoot. Today was a perfect example of that. I know I promised scenes from HS football, but rain forced me not to take any I was more trying to get good video in between the rain delays. I promise some actual pictures after I return from vacation. was a very eventful day it started with the Savannah Pride festival. It is neat that Savannah, a southern town has such a large LGBT community. I interviewed two college students who gave me amazing sound. Both were very intelligent and well spoken( hints the great sound). I then went to the Savannah College of Art and Design to shoot their orientation. Having graduated from SCAD it was inspiring to be back on campus--working in my career. It's moments like that when you look back on your education and smile, knowing that it's what got you the job--that and some talent! I did an interview with a SCAD official and another alumnus who happened to be one of the designers of facebook. When I get interviews I typically prefer to get the 'regular' people as opposed to the 'officials' it tends to make a better SOT (sound on tape). However sometimes the officials help explain what is happening at the event better because they are trained in speaking the media. I typically go with a public information officer for things like shootings, fires etc. Someones a witness is better for an interview because they actually saw what happened and aren't afraid to talk about it--police can't until after its investigated.

I was then off to a sept 11th event with one of my fellow reporters, he did the interview which meant I only had to focus on shooting--I love that!

Finally came the evening and the part of the day where I actually remembered to take pictures. ;) I attended the Savannah Philharmonic and an ballroom dancing charity event.

Well that ends my Saturday I'm heading out only to be back here tomorrow.

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